Public Information

Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families is a Twelve Step Fellowship that provides a program of recovery to help Adult Children to identify and heal from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home.

As part of the program of recovery we strive to carry the message of ACA to Adult Children who may still be suffering from the effects of their childhood experiences, much as we had suffered before finding ACA.

On this page you will find a selection of leaflets and posters that can be downloaded and printed to be displayed in areas that may be accessible to Adult Children, these may include Professional, Statutory and Voluntary organisations and institutions. The displaying of these materials must only be carried out with the prior consent of the organisation or proprietor and in accordance with their wishes or recommendations.

ACA UK Intergroup are always keen to hear of new and innovative ways to help carry the message of ACA and to hear from individuals and groups who are willing to help out with this aspect of Twelve Step Service.

With gratitude in fellowship,

ACA UK Public Information Committee



Design 1

Adult Children of Alcoholics A4 poster – contains a blank box for writing in local contact or meeting information.

*Click on the poster to open for printing.

Or, for A3 size please use this link:

Poster A3 Version


Design 2.

Adult Children of Alcoholics A4 poster – contains a blank box for writing in local contact or meeting information.

*Click on the poster to open for printing.

Or, for A3 size please use this link:

Poster A3 Version



*All leaflets courtesy of ‘Adult Children of Alcoholics World Service Organization’ –

Click on the image to open the leaflet for printing (opens in new tab).

ACA is…


25 Qustions: Am I an Adult Child

Early History of ACA

ACA Essentials

Finding Emotional Sobriety

To the Beginner In All of Us

The Tool Bag

Issues for Meetings

Literature Policy

Conducting a Business Meeting

ACA Sponsorship: Fellow Travellers


Public Information

Hospitals and Institutions

Information for Health Professionals

Hosting an ACA Sponsorship Workshop

Suggested ACA Banking/Accounting Procedure

Twelve Concepts for ACA World Service and Suggested Commitment to Service

All posters produced by ACA UK are available to download/print by clicking on the image. Alternatively printed copies can be ordered by emailing:

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