Service Opportunities

ACA UK’s Intergroup has a number of opportunities for ACAs wanting to give service. We are a supportive and friendly community and welcome all those who are interested in joining us. All ACAs are invited to attend our monthly meeting.

Current Committee Opportunities:

The Web & Digital Resources Committee would like to consult with someone experienced in creating automated workflows. This is a short-term service opportunity, and there are no criteria for who can offer their service. For a chat about how you could help please contact

Current Serving Officer Opportunities:

Recovery requirements for Intergroup Serving Officer Roles:

– To have completed all the 12 Steps in ACA
– Held a service position at meeting level for at least 6 months
– Actively developing emotional sobriety as part of a programme of recovery

We define emotional sobriety as “cultivating self-awareness to recognise and understand one’s feelings without resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms, whilst developing effective strategies for emotional regulation and acceptance, in pursuit of a fulfilling life beyond childhood dysfunction.”

Intergroup Service Officer roles are usually two years in duration.  However, depending on the role, a commitment of one year may be sufficient.  If you are interested in any of these roles please email us to arrange an informal discussion.


This role involves taking the minutes of our Intergroup meetings, as well as some Serving Officer meetings, and liaising with the Chair in relation to the preparation of minutes for circulation.

Deputy Treasurer

Suggested Additional Requirements: Solvent, experience of service in ACA, ability to use spreadsheets. Helpful but not essential to have a background in accounting or finance or acting as Treasurer in a meeting or Intergroup.

Chair of Public Information

An extremely important role in terms of fulfilling our primary purpose. The ongoing development of the ACA Public Information Committee has enabled the fellowship to look at opportunities and methods for carrying the ACA message to Adult Children who still suffer. Recent initiatives undertaken require the support of the fellowship and its trusted servants. They include:

  • Visible Recovery fairs
  • Prison and H&I Liaison
  • Partnerships with other 12 step fellowships.
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