• Meeting Information

    Tuesday, 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

    • Online

    LOGIN details: We use Zoom for these online meetings. Please email ACAandGifted@gmail.com for login details up to 30 minutes before the meeting starts. We usually have fellowship time after the meeting.
    This is an ACA group for gifted, highly creative or high developmental potential people in recovery. If you score in the top 98th percentile for intelligence; or if you are a member of a high IQ society; if you were in AP classes or an honours student or identified as gifted by a professional, this group might be for you. We meet on Tuesdays at 18.30 UK time. If you identify as gifted, you’re in: we don’t check credentials on the door!

    The 90-minute ACA meetings have a different focus each week. Week 1 of the month: The 12 Steps; Week 2: Reparenting (BRB Ch8); Week 3: Work (BRB Ch 14); Weeks 4 and 5: Gifted Development. We do feelings checks at the beginning and at the end of the meeting and read about the topic of the week. Sharing time is around 50 minutes; the meeting is locked 15 minutes after starting.

    Gifted adult children often had special needs that were not met when young. Bring your multi-potentialities, your wonderfully twice- or multi-exceptional selves to this neurodiverse meeting - you’re welcome!

  • Online Meeting

    Join with Zoom
  • 35 other meetings at this location

    United Kingdom


  • Contact Information

  • Updated 11/2024

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